
Beware the things that go bump in the night…

Halloween night routine. Sit down at computer. Hear the telltale shriek of trick-or-treaters as they pass through the maze. Stand up. Hand out candy. Smile and make polite conversation with the parents. Complement the kids of cute or unique costumes. Sit back down and set the laptop desk back into place. Rather. Rinse. Repeat. From [...]

Beware the things that go bump in the night…2016-11-01T04:11:46+00:00

Communication: The lost art of including others in your thoughts

Have you ever had that moment when you thought, “Gee, did I say that out loud?” Sometimes it happens after you’ve made that rather vocal faux pas and all eyes in a room are pointed your direction as if you arrived naked. Other times, and these are the times I am referring to, are when [...]

Communication: The lost art of including others in your thoughts2016-06-06T04:32:23+00:00
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