Author musings

Love is in the Air

What else would you expect in the most romantic month of the year? Come join me along with many authors at Night Owl Reviews as we ring in the Valentine's Day holiday. And don't forget about the chance to chat with some of the participating authors while hearing the names of the contest winners on [...]

Love is in the Air2018-10-22T12:52:10+00:00

Should old acquaintance be forgot…

As another year quickly circles the drain, it's time for those life changes that we never fulfill. Yeah, it's resolution time. Time to declare to all who listen, after enough egg nog or champagne, that this year, we're gonna get to the gym. We'll quit smoking and stop swearing. We'll be kinder to others and [...]

Should old acquaintance be forgot…2018-10-22T12:52:10+00:00

Accepting a gracious defeat

Yes, you heard right. Accepting defeat. I quit. I give up. I'm done. Each year, in November, in the midst of everything else I have going on, I foolishly look to the interwebs and choose to participate, along with many others, in the National Novel Writing Month project. And every year, for the past four, [...]

Accepting a gracious defeat2018-10-22T12:52:10+00:00

Create a novel in a month? Sure, why not

What is NaNo, you ask? Well, it's the idea that if you sit in front of your computer during the month of November, staring at the flickering black cursor on that blank white page, inspiration with kick you in the ass and words will magically flow from your fingers and you will have a beautifully [...]

Create a novel in a month? Sure, why not2018-10-22T12:52:11+00:00

That which does not scare us…

Drip, drip, drip. Monica slammed her hands over her ears, squeezing her eyes shut, hoping to shut off that sound. That infernal, incessant noise. Every day, she awoke more tired than she had gone to bed, blearily facing the monotony of her day, staring at her computer screen as the whining callers complained about their [...]

That which does not scare us…2018-10-22T12:52:11+00:00

One month into the life of a published author…

Well, one month ago, I sat before my laptop and watched as my dream became a reality. I had a published novel! Yup. After months of writing, years of vacillating, piles of rejects and scads of edits, my baby was now in the eyes of the world. what? What was I expecting, a NY [...]

One month into the life of a published author…2017-03-31T08:33:25+00:00


Let's see. Seven sins, fifty-two virtues. Yeah, FIFTY-TWO. I just checked. One for each week, just like one since for each week day. The whole seven sins/seven virtues? Yeah, that only works if you're Catholic. Four cardinal virtues and three theological virtues. But somewhere along the line, I guess the world decided we needed to [...]



We wear them, we wash them. We live in them. Hell, we're even buried in them. Then why is it I keep losing track of them. Not in my house, but in my words. I find myself constantly needing to look back and reread, thinking to myself, "Is my character clothed at this point?" Or [...]

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